3 Creative Examples of a Romantic Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are a great way to make a romantic occasion unforgettable. Not only is it super fun to be solving puzzles and clues on an adventure made just for you, but the ability to personalize the scavenger hunt makes it so thoughtful and meaningful. It’s the perfect combination of fun, exciting, and sweet. And, the best part is that you can customize the scavenger hunt however you like to make sure it’s a one-of-a-kind experience that is perfect for your relationship. We talked to three couples who shared their real-life experiences using the items in our romantic scavenger hunt kit to create their own unique versions of a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt, an anniversary scavenger hunt, and a date night scavenger hunt.

Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt - Kathy and Hayden

Q: “What made you decide to create a romantic scavenger hunt?”

Hayden: “Kathy loves puzzles! She can’t get enough of escape rooms and the Amazing Race, so when I heard of a romantic scavenger hunt I knew she would love it for Valentine’s Day”

Q: “What were your favorite parts of the scavenger hunt?”

Kathy: “I absolutely loved it! He did a great job surprising me - I had no idea he was up to this! I got home from work and when I went into the bedroom I was wowed. I saw a locked treasure box with rose petals and candles. And the first clue to kick off the adventure was there as well. I was totally surprised and jumping up and down so excited to get to solve a scavenger hunt. 

Valentine's Day scavenger hunt

Kathy: “I loved how the clues related to moments from our relationship. For example, one of the clues led me out to my car where I found another clue telling me to head to where we had our first date. Our first date was at a small coffee shop in our town and when I got there, the barista gave me a coffee with my favorite sweet (a brownie) and my next clue! It was so cool!” 

go where we had our first date clue in car
coffee shop clue

Q: “What was the finale of the scavenger hunt?”

Kathy: “When I solved all the clues to unlock the treasure box inside was this super cute lottery card. I scratched the card and it told me to be at a particular address at a certain time, and it turned out to be my favorite Italian restaurant where Hayden was waiting for me for dinner!”  

love lotto scratch card

Anniversary Scavenger Hunt - Sara and Jordan

Q: “What made you decide to create a romantic scavenger hunt?”

Jordan: “A friend of mine set one up for his girlfriend last year and she still raves about it, so that gave me the inspiration to do one for Sara for our anniversary.  

Q: “What were your favorite parts of the scavenger hunt?”

Sara: “I loved all the sentimental aspects about it. Each clue led me to a different photo of us and on the back was a cute little note he wrote about the memory from the picture. 

anniversary scavenger hunt

Sara: “He also pampered me a lot. One of the clues led me to a bubble bath and there was a glass of wine waiting for me too, so I got to relax and unwind which was really nice.”

clue spa day

Q: “What was the finale of the scavenger hunt?”

Sara: “For the ending of the scavenger hunt, Jordan re-created the dinner we had on our first date: ravioli! It was such a sweet surprise and delicious!!”

anniversary dinner

Date Night Scavenger Hunt - Shanelle and Travis

Q: “What made you decide to create a romantic scavenger hunt?”

Shanelle: “I’m a huge fan of the Office and Parks and Recreation and on both of those shows there are really cute examples of romantic scavenger/treasure hunts. I thought it was such a fun idea and wanted to try making one for Travis.”

Q: “What were your favorite parts of the scavenger hunt?”

Travis: “The puzzles I had to solve were really creative and fun. For example, she hid one of the clues inside a tiny message in a bottle buried in the soil of one of our house plants.

clue in plant

Travis: “One of the clues also directed me to a particular book that I have. Next to it was another book with a secret compartment that had a jigsaw puzzle I needed to solve for my next clue.” 

clue hidden in book

Q: “What was the finale of the scavenger hunt?” 

Travis: “When I scratched the lottery card I found at the end, it said blanket fort movie night and Shanelle had set up a fort in the basement with snacks and drinks to watch my favorite movie.

blanket fort movie night